Q&A About Keratin Treatments

Rachel Joyce Organic Salon has been getting several inquiries about our formaldehyde-free Organic Keratin Treatment so we have decided to post an excerpt from WebMD.com regarding inferior formaldehyde formulas and a brief Q&A Session with Linda.


From WebMD:
“You may have heard about formaldehyde in salon keratin products. Formaldehyde has been linked to health problems, especially for people who regularly work with it… The FDA and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) have looked into formaldehyde levels in some of these products. “You can ask salon professionals if they know whether a product contains formaldehyde-related ingredients or other ingredients you may wish to avoid,” the FDA’s web site states. If you have a bad reaction to the treatment, the FDA asks that you report it to them…”


Q1: What is a Keratin Treatment and how does it work?

A Keratin Treatment is a system that puts protein in your hair to strengthen it and relax slightly curly/wavy textures in order to maintain straight styles for a longer period of time. The added protein prevents breakage, especially for bleached blond and damaged hair.

Q2: Is everyone a suitable candidate for an Organic Salon Systems Keratin Treatment?

Yes and No. Some coarse hair types will not see the full effects of an OSS Keratin Treatment, however several coarse hair textured clients have reported satisfactory results leading to a much more manageable mane.

Q3: Can I have color or highlights after a Keratin Treatment?

Yes, with restrictions. For details, please schedule a consultation.

Q4: Is there anything else we should know, Linda?

Yes. Make sure that an OSS Keratin Treatment is accompanied by a healthy at-home maintenance regimen. Without it, the results aren’t guaranteed, and you’ll end up wasting time and money.